Tuesday, May 31, 2016

When life gives you lemons...

The last few mornings have been a revisit to the great breakfast wars.
Yesterday it was Captain sitting in Mr. Buttons' chair.
Daddy moved her mid-breakfast to avoid a meltdown, which resulted in her abandoning any idea of continuing to eat. She had breakfast later, crisis averted.

This morning chairs were right.
It was Captain's lemon that annoyed Mr. Buttons.
The lemon was brought up numerous times.
Then it was time for some crawling on the floor, which was copied by Captain.
Then the lemon was mentioned again.
While nothing necessary was getting done.
After not nearly enough sleep for Mama few nights in a row.
Oh, and being up an hour before anyone else, making four (different) breakfasts and two lunches, while putting a toddler on the potty, getting her ready while trying to source some clean(ish) clothes for myself and getting two people to wake up at the same time.

Then the lemon was mentioned again.
Then it flew across the kitchen towards the bin.

Hi, I'm an over-stretched autism mama with no support network.
So, when life gives you lemons, you let your toddler eat them.
But only when big brother isn't around.

Also, you have a mental health day with super-secret bubble mixture, silly hats and a baby bath full of water after school.

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