Today was a battery charging one.
Hubby gave Captain breakfast number one, which gave her
enough energy to potter around for a while, make her jigsaws and do some
artwork. She then came into the bedroom, and asked me for more breakfast. I got
up, fed her, cleaned the ashes and re-lit the stove. We went to bed to snuggle,
read some stories and wait for the house to warm up a bit. I love opening the
curtains first thing in the morning and staying in bed for a while just
enjoying the view. Today we looked out and chatted about her new favourite
topic; snow.
She snuggled into the crook of my arm and warmed her hands
on my bump. Next time I opened my eyes, the light was different and the house
was completely silent. My little pal was still exactly where she had been, fast
asleep on my arm, which was now completely numb. Captain woke up soon after me,
complaining about a dream in which her dad had dropped her food at the market.
(Her nightmares are definitely inherited from me…)
We got up, went into the kitchen and realised it was
officially afternoon. Oops! I can’t remember the last time we napped together,
but it was a most welcome surprise!
We headed into town to have another look around the
Christmas market. I stocked up on sugar-free salt liquorice (you can take the
girl out of Finland, but not the part of Finland out of the girl that loves
weird treats deemed inedible by the rest of the family). Captain and Hubby had
a bite to eat, and nobody’s food was dropped, thankfully.
One of Captain's gifts |
Hubby found some beautiful wooden toys for the kids at the
stalls. I will post photo evidence on a night, when kids go to sleep at a more
reasonable hour and I get to play elf. I managed to do my Christmas shopping
for the littlest lady while Hubby kept her busy at the toy store, which means
my shopping duties for this year are complete!
We had a lovely dinner at a burrito bar, did our grocery shopping
and picked up Buttons. Captain is always so excited to see her brother after he’s
been gone for a weekend, and does her best to do enough talking to make up for
lost time. This time she made up the longest story in the history of
storytelling, and had us laughing so much I had tears rolling down my face. I
don’t know whether Buttons was laughing more at her story, or the way I went
into fits of giggles. Either way, this was a great way to spend the very slow
journey home. This is day three of snow in Ireland, where we’re not really all
that prepared for icy roads, so we were crawling along carefully.
Because of the late start, I even had the energy to start practising
‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer’ on ukulele after bedtime. Give a mother the
chance to nap, and she can do anything!
Looking forward to another homeschooling week after the
lovely weekend!