Monday, December 11, 2017

Sorting hats and counters

The kids wanted a pyjama day, so that’s what they had. I opted for the closest thing, spending the day in leggings and a big, floppy jumper.

Buttons was working on his last few pages of math in the morning. He then moved into our bed and finished his Christmas themed Harry Potter fan fiction, while munching on an apple. He finished it up, I helped him tidy up a few details in the editing stage and he then read it to Captain and me. I was happy to see Harry having a nice Christmas…

Captain and I built forts in the kitchen and had a cushion island by the stove for stories. We read this nice little book about sorting for the first time, and she really enjoyed the questions in it. Afterwards she got her bingo counters and was sorting them into piles by colour and making them into castles and paths.

We had a family friend over for a warming lunch of soup. This was a lovely surprise, as the roads are still quite bad and I had been expecting a very quiet week. She is also the best kind of visitor, who understands chaos and considers the kid’s art on the table “great kind of mess”. I’m always happy to share my good cheese with someone like that!

I’ve drank my own body weight in herbal tea, added stuff to the stove about a thousand times and read so many stories I have to make another mug of chamomile tea to soothe my throat. And hopefully I’ll get a chance to read another few pages of my newest addiction before I fall asleep…

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