Monday, December 4, 2017


Last night I had a dream about my baby.

Same thing happened while I was expecting Captain. Just one, really vivid dream. In her case it was spot on.

This time in my dream I had a pudgy little baby boy, with blonde, fluffy hair. He had blue eyes and I was completely besotted. In my dream I was at the La Leche League conference with him. I was carrying him in my arms (I don’t know why not the sling either, dreams work in mysterious ways…) and so glued to staring into his eyes, that I couldn’t find my room at the hotel.

I woke up incredibly happy.

Today we went into town. Captain listened to stories and built dens, while Buttons did some maths. Then they both had some time on the tablets. We ran some Christmas errands, had lunch and chilled out in the library for a while. Captain was showing her new coat to the librarian as were heading off. The librarian was suitably impressed, and inquired if she had outgrown her old one. “I’m so big now I can stand on top of the box (in the cafĂ©) and reach the colouring pages!” was her reply. What a strange and wonderful way to measure your growth!

We walked to an indoor soft play centre, where the kids ran around for two and a half hours. Buttons made some instant friends, and sweated buckets during a game of tag. Captain explored the whole centre from bottom to the top, waving at me with delight every time I spotted her climbing down. Then the usual thing happened, and someone got to her. She ran to me screaming, and from her sobbing and Buttons shouting from his vantage point, I put together that someone had pulled at her clothes. This caused a meltdown of about thirty minutes. The poor little one was telling me she “couldn’t stop her drops from coming” and I held her screaming and crying little form in my arms. Buttons came down for a drink of water, and observed that just because someone makes friends with you, doesn’t always mean they’re nice. As upset as I was for my little lady, I couldn’t help but be impressed that he’d come to this conclusion. He often finds it quite tricky to spot that people can have several sides to them, so this was a big deal in our world. Things settled down, Hubby came to pick us up and we agreed it had been a good day all around.

Unfortunately it’s not just the kids that are growing in every way. My blood sugar readings are also reaching new heights. There seems to be nothing that’s safe to eat anymore. Tiny bowl of vegetable soup and a slice of brown bread sent them soaring, even with all our running around. So I don’t have high hopes for my next contact with the diabetes clinic… I am cheering myself up by trying to come up with the perfect post partum snack. Today’s contender was a sliced croissant with cheese. At this point though, just the thought of eating without constant worry and a side of various needles would make any meal heavenly…

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