Saturday, April 21, 2018

Spring is finally in the air

It has been lovely and warm for the last couple of days, and we have been enjoying every moment of it. The kids have pretty much moved outside; going for walks, playing in different parks and making chalk art and bubbles in the yard.
We've been spring cleaning and planting trees.
Captain planted some tomatoes and lettuce, which will soon go out into the polytunnel.
Even the animals are having a lovely time in the sun.
Flash can be found in the front yard, sunning himself while guarding the house.
The hens and the rooster are roaming the neighbourhood, making sure to come home every time they hear the door open, in case there is food.
Oh, and Captain had her first ice lolly yesterday, bough to her by her darling big brother.
She was totally in love with the idea of this delicious cold treat, but only for a few licks. Then mama got to finish the mostly melted orange-y mess...

Mr Buttons in the puddle

Art class outdoors

Mr Rooster

Hen one

Hen two

My lovely apple trees

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