Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Sunday!

I had a lovely weekend of all things baby.
On Friday I went to a local homebirth event, where a few midwives and homebirth mamas told their stories. Homebirth is something I might never get the chance to experience, but a girl can dream, right? It is something I am very interested in, and was delighted to hear all the beautiful birth stories and meet some lovely mothers and babies.

On Saturday I got to host my first Nappuchino, or a cloth nappy meet up. I was all prepared, had our local demo kit with me and the "Why use cloth" -leaflets on the table. In the end two moms turned up and both already used cloth. As they were also regulars at our meets, we just chatted for hours about babies, birth, wraps, breastfeeding and a little bit about cloth too, to honour the theme of the morning. Poor demo kit with all its beautiful fluffiness just sat there, abandoned. Ah well, I still consider my first hosting a great success!

Afterwards we had a meal with Hubby's family, so it was also a weekend of less cooking for me.
I may or may not be typing this as Hubby is on a trip to pick up pizza for us. (The Captain is asleep, and had a dinner of freshly made rosti, so my laziness is well-deserved...)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I quite like the stormy weather we're having at the moment.

It's lovely snuggling up on the sofa in front of the fire and listening to the wind and rain.
It's great to be able to meet a friend for coffee and chat for three hours, because your little one is happy to be out of the house and meeting other toddlers.
It's heartwarming, that Captain Milkbeard picked her own umbrella for the first time and keeps pointing at Peppa Pig on it mid-walk, when nothing more interesting is around.

I also have a very full clothes horse and nappies drying on every available surface. Sheets in varying degrees of dryness hanging on the banister and over the doors. Every chair is doing double duty. Oh, did I forget to mention the nappies and inserts everywhere?
My mornings are a frantic struggle to find enough dry stuff to keep me going through the day. Evenings are reserved for mom edition of Operation. One wrong move and I'm set back for a week of washing. I think my brain is protecting itself by forgetting this and focusing on all the positives.

Excuse me, I'll have to go make another coffee and look disapprovingly at the weather bullying my poor abandoned washing line.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


I haven't written as much as a postcard in months.
Meal plans give me writer's block.
I can barely remember what language I'm meant to use most days.
There, that's the hard part out of the way. The curse of the blank page broken.

I'm a mom to my little lady, Captain Milkbeard. She is sixteen months and doesn't need coffee to have enough energy to power a small village. I need lots of coffee to power a medium-sized mama.
I am a wife to my Hubby. I have been that for two years now.
I am also a stepmom to Buddy, who is eight.
That is my little family, who keep me busy. I love them dearly and try to keep them alive by feeding them plenty. So far it has worked quite well. (We won't talk about the dark times, when I left Hubby alone with Buddy and travelled out of the country without leaving a freezer stash. Those stories are for much later stages and not for the delicate.)

Becoming a mother changed me from a strange creature with a tendency to depression into a strange, incredibly happy - though very tired- hippy. I found my way into attachment parenting accidentally, and was delighted to find it and my village.
I breastfeed, co-sleep, babywear, do baby-led weaning and cloth diaper. I also do elimination communication, but in a very relaxed (read: lazy) way.

I love photography. I used to model, but don't want to curb my cravings for anything that is a) a carb b) covered in chocolate c) ideally both. This means I finally bought a camera and now take pictures of the kids. And food. And kids covered in food. Did I mention my life revolves around kids and food?
I love books, but find it hard to focus in reading lately. It might have something to do with having kids.
I love cooking and baking. Luckily. You will see plenty of evidence of this in weeks to come, I'm sure.
I love supporting other mamas. I have been lucky to have amazing women supporting me, and I'm trying to repay this by training to become a breastfeeding counsellor.

That is a little bit about me, I hope to meet other mamas, share stories and grow my little village even more.