I have learned to say "fine" to so many questions I really wanted to answer properly, that I couldn't find a coffee mug big enough to drown my sorrows into anymore.
So I will write instead.
So, how is the homeschooling going?
Thank you for asking.
It's life. Some days are good, some days not so good.
Every minute of every day is busy, and I literally don't have a minute, when I am not responsible for at least one child.
This is not a complaint, just a fact.
Yes, it is my choice and I am happy with it.
No, it doesn't mean I can't get tired sometimes. Don't we all?
Everyone has the right to say they are tired. I am not an exception. I don't need to be told that I have brought it on myself. Just give me coffee and let me say stuff!
But, no matter how tired I am, I love homeschooling. I am still madly excited about it at the end of every day.
I still read about it, listen to podcasts and look for new resources. I love seeing the learning happening in front of me, and that will always keep me going.
Is it difficult with the baby?
No. He is also part of the family, and is learning with the rest of us. (Also, he spends a lot of time boobing, in the sling)
Unsupportive adults, however, are a different story!
So, do they "just" do crafts?
We do a lot of crafts. The kids enjoy art, and doing plenty to strengthen their hands and improve on fine motor skills has been recommended by their OT.
We also read a lot. We work on life skills, maths, and every other subject. It doesn't always look like school, but learning is always happening.
We play board games for hours. We go out. We go to playcenters.
We laugh, chat, help each other, snuggle, play, clean, shop.
So it really is just life.
The kids are happy. They have nice friends, and spend time with them free of being bullied, because they don't fit a mold.
Do I think schools are bad?
No, of course not. I liked many aspects of school when I was young. Learning, mostly. The social aspect, not so much. My difficulties with human interaction are not new.
Homeschooling was a choice we had to make for our family. Simple as that.
It is NOT
A) comment on anyone else's life
B) ranking different systems
C) coffee (Unfortunately. If I could change my strange choices into coffee, I would be sorted for life!)
What will they do in the future?
Who knows? Based on current interests, child 1 will be a chef, and a part time Lego engineer, with a side of comic book writing. Child 2 will run away with the circus. Child 3 will sleep for Ireland, if it ever becomes an Olympic sport.
I will most likely become a granny when I grow up.
Ask me next week, and all this could have changed.
From educational point of view, we will continue to homeschool through secondary, because Mr Buttons wants us to. If Captain wants to go to school at some point, she is welcome to try it.
There are numerous ways to get into universities and colleges, with or without public school. There is also a chance they choose not to go that route. Only time will tell!
Why is it so messy in my house?
This is a hypothetical question I ask myself numerous times a day, as I clear the table for the 10th time.
I am going to claim it's a science project.
I can do that, right?
Did I forget a question you have? One that you get asked a lot?
Always happy to chat, especially about education!
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