Friday, January 1, 2016

Boob gate

This picture popped up on my newsfeed earlier and I got angry very quickly.
I had not heard of Teri Niitti before, nor do I know the mama in the picture, but I had to stick my oar in.

Mr. Niitti used his chance of a first impression to get firmly into my bad books, when he decided to secretly take and post a picture of a mom feeding her baby on a flight. This was posted with negative comments about covering up, and this delightful chappie even used #decency on his post.

Now, to me decency is something you have, when you don't post pictures of other people and their babies online without permission.
When you sit down on your first class seat and enjoy the ride instead of trying to find something that doesn't fit into your narrow view of life, so you have a reason to moan.
When you don't publicly shame a mother for doing the most natural thing they could possibly be doing for their baby.

To the lovely mama I would like to give a big hug and thank her for nursing in public. I hope you keep doing what you're doing, and feel pride in having done so much for normalising breastfeeding. Let's hope our kids won't need to fight late night Twitter wars to defend the norm.

Keep on boobing!
(With covers, without, on a plane, standing on your head - It's all good, it's all normal!)

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