This is what we've been up to today.
I set up an ivitation to create. The kitchen table was full of craft materials.
I wasn't even finished, when Captain came to see what was happening.
"Ooh, I like painting!"
Here she is, painting one of her numerous pictures of "a baby".
I did the dishes, and played with Lego.
Because I'm an adult, and that's what we do.
Mr. Buttons apperead.
He works in mysterious ways, in mysterious places.
...and makes mysterious things...
Joker wanted some fresh air, so out we went.
Horse whisperers they are not
Batman practising his climbing skills.
Will he escape for good this time?
We also had food, played, cleaned up and read lots*. And somehow it's only three o'clock.
I'm pausing to appreciate how much more time home educating gives you.
*Surprising Sharks (Davies, Croft)
Wild Animals - Elephant (Bender)
Stomp (Willis, Howard) x5 so far today
Rumpelstiltskin (Nadin)
Poems about animals (Moses, Moore)
Petting Zoo (DK readers)
Big Scary Monster (Docherty)
The Wizard of Oz (Illustrated by Mauro Evangelista)
Why Lion Roarrrs! (Tinga Tinga Tales)
Spot Says Goodnight (Hill)