Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Saint Patrick's Day

                                 You may be a homeschooler if your child would rather redirect water into the sewer than watch the parade...

Myself and Mr. Buttons made some leprechaun crafts and talked about St. Patrick.
If there are pirates we are interested, ADHD permitting.

I really need to get internet sorted for the house.
Visited Nana's house the other day and got serious documentary envy while flicking through their Netflix account.
Also, that would save me, and everyone else from St. Patrick's Day musings days after the event...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

I survived

I survived my first week of homeschool!
It involved lots of reading, cooking, and spending time outdoors.
We also had a train adventure and visited a history and art museum.
We had the whole children's section of the library to ourselves on Thursday morning, which was brilliant.
It feels like Mr. Buttons is trying to do everything, in case time runs out.
I'm enjoying having both of the kids home and not having to look at the clock.

Having to deal with some very unhelpful people has been an unneccessary extra.
But that will pass.

Also, I didn't think I could be more tired, but I am.
I'm enjoying it too much to care though.

Captain has discovered "a rainforest" at the back of our garden
I have a feeling there will be a tree fort soon...

Mr. Buttons is teaching me archery

Animal washing service

We built an obstacle course and pitched a tent

Roll on, week two!

Sunday, March 12, 2017


As of tomorrow, I will officially be homeschooling these crazy people.
Wish me luck...